Top 50 Funny Pig Jokes for Kids
Brighten up your day with the following Top 50 Funny Pig Jokes for Kids that will make you Laugh.
Joke 1: Q: What do you call a pig that does karate? A: Porkchop! |
Joke 2: Q: Why was the pig ejected from the football game? A: For playing dirty. |
Joke 3: Q: What do you call a pig thief? A: A hamburglar. |
Joke 4: Q: What do you get when you play Tug-of-War with a pig? A: Pulled-Pork. |
Joke 5: Q: How do pigs write top secret messages? A: With invisible oink! |
Joke 6: Q: What is a pig’s favorite color? A: Mahogany! |
Joke 7: Q: What do piglets do after school? A: Their hamwork! |
Joke 8: Q: What do you call a pig with no legs? A: A groundhog. |
Joke 9: Q: Why did the pig cross the road? A: He got BOARed. |
Joke 10: Q: What do you get when you cross a pig and a pineapple? A: a porky-pine. |
Joke 11: Q: What do you get if you cross a pig and a witch with sand? A: A ham sandwich. |
Joke 12: Q: What’s a pigs favorite ballet? A: Swine Lake. |
Joke 13: Q: What kind of truck do pigs drive? A: Pig-ups! |
Joke 14: Q: Why did the pig put a blanket on the ground? A: To have a pig-nic. |
Joke 15: Q: What do you call the story of The Three Little Pigs? A: A pig tail! |
Joke 16: Q: What do you call a pig that won the lottery? A: Filthy rich! |
Joke 17: Q: How do you take a sick pig to the hospital? A: In an hambulance! |
Joke 18: Q: What do pigs get when they’re ill? A: Oinkment! |
Joke 19: Q: What was the pig’s favorite book? A: Hamlet. |
Joke 20: Q: What do you call a pig that drives recklessly? A: A road hog. |
Joke 21: Q: Which sport was invented by pigs? A: Mud wrestling. |
Joke 22: Q: What do you get when you cross a pig with a dinosaur? A: A porkasaurus rex! |
Joke 23: Q: What’s the difference between bird flu and swine flu? A: If you have bird flu, you need tweetment. If you have swine flu, you need oink-ment. |
Joke 24: Q: How do you fit more pigs on a farm? A: Put up a sty-scraper. |
Joke 25: Q: Which magazine does the Big Bad Wolf like to read? A: “Porks Illustrated!” |
Joke 26: Q: What happened to the pig who lost its voice? A: It became disgruntled! |
Joke 27: Q: What happened when the pig pen broke? A: The pigs had to use a pencil! |
Joke 28: Q: Why did the farmer call his pig ink? A: Because it always ran out of the pen! |
Joke 29: Q: What do you call a fake pig story? A: A lot of hogwash. |
Joke 30: Q: What do you call a pig with a rash? A: Ham and Eczema. |
Joke 31: Q: Where do pigs get together? A: The meet market. |
Joke 32: Q: What do you get when a pig mixed two colors? A: pigment. |
Joke 33: Q: Why should you never tell a pig a secret? A: Because they love to squeal! |
Joke 34: Q: Where do swine go for vacation? A: TroPIGal islands. |
Joke 35: Q: What did the piglet want from the swine? A: A piggyback ride. |
Joke 36: Q: What do you call a pig that drives all over the road? A: A road hog. |
Joke 37: Q: What do you call a pig thats wrong? A: Mistaken bacon. |
Joke 38: Q: What do you get when you cross a pig and a tortoise? A: A slow-pork. |
Joke 39: Q: What do Bad Piggies like to do? A: Squeal the spotlight. |
Joke 40: Q: What do you get when you cross a pig and a centipede? A: Bacon and Legs. |
Joke 41: Q: Who is the greatest pig painter? A: Pigcasso. |
Joke 42: Q: Where can a pig see the statue of Liberty? A: New pork city. |
Joke 43: Q: Where do flying pigs go? A: Hogworts. |
Joke 44: Q: What do you call a black pig standing in the hot sun all day? A: Smoked Sausage. |
Joke 45: Q: What do you call a pig that’s not fun to be around? A: A boar. |
Joke 46: Q: How to pigs greet their parents? A: With hogs and kisses! |
Joke 47: Q: What sporting event do pigs hold every four years? A: The Olympigs. |
Joke 48: Q: What instrument do pigs play in band? A: Pigcussion. |
Joke 49: Q: How do you stop a warthog from charging? A: Take away his credit card! |
Joke 50: Q: What happens when you put a pig in a musical? A: It squeals the show. |