Top 50 Funny Giraffe Jokes for Everyone
Brighten up your day with the following Top 50 Funny Giraffe Jokes for Everyone that will make you Cry.
Joke 1: Q: Why don’t most restaurants serve giraffe? A: It’s a tall order. |
Joke 2: Q: What do you call a mural of a giraffe in the street? A: Giraffiti |
Joke 3: Q: Why did the giraffe leave her boyfriend? A: He was a Cheetah! |
Joke 4: Q: What is a giraffe’s favorite fruit? A: Necktarines |
Joke 5: Q: Where do you put Giraffes that don’t feel good? A: Giraffe-Sick Park |
Joke 6: Q: Some Giraffes can grow up to 18 feet A: But most only have 4 |
Joke 7: The worst part about being a giraffe is having a lot of time to think about your mistakes when you’re sinking into quicksand. |
Joke 8: Q: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize? A: It takes a long time for them to swallow their pride. |
Joke 9: Q: What’s the difference between a tractor and a giraffe? A: One has hydraulics and the other has hybollocks |
Joke 10: Q: What do you call it when a giraffe swallows a toy jet? A: A “plane in the neck.” |
Joke 11: Q: A zebra and a giraffe have a kid… …and named him Al. Al is really good at maths. What species is he? A: An Al-ge-bra |
Joke 12: Q: What do you get when 2 giraffes collide? A: A giraffic jam |
Joke 13: Q: Did you hear about the Giraffe and Ostrich race? A: It was neck and neck. |
Joke 14: Q: What is something that mother giraffes have but no other animal has? A: Baby giraffes. |
Joke 15: Q: What kind of magic does a love-struck giraffe practice? A: Neck-romance-y. |
Joke 16: Q: Why does the giraffe have a long neck? A: Because it has smelly feet. |
Joke 17: Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a pig? A: Bacon and legs. |
Joke 18: Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a Scout? A: A person everyone looks up to. |
Joke 19: Q: Why did the giraffe get bad grades? A: He had his head in the clouds. |
Joke 20: Q: What’s the silliest name you can give a giraffe? A: Stumpy. |
Joke 21: Q: What did Dracula say then he saw a giraffe for the first time? A: I’d like to get to gnaw you. |
Joke 22: Q: What do you call an animal that turns into a boat? A: a GIRRAFT. |
Joke 23: Q: Why didn’t they invite the giraffe to the party? A: He was a pain in the neck! |
Joke 24: Q: Why did the giraffe sign up for monk training? A: He felt a higher calling. |
Joke 25: Q: Whats green and hangs from trees? A: Giraffe snot. |
Joke 26: Q: Why was the giraffe late? A: Because he got caught in a giraffic jam! |
Joke 27: Q: What do you get when you cross a giraffe with a hedgehog? A: A twelve-foot toothbrush |
Joke 28: Q: When does a giraffe have 8 legs? A: When there are two of them! |
Joke 29: Q: How do you write a report on a giraffe? A: First, you get a really tall ladder … |
Joke 30: Q: What do you call a royal giraffe? A: Your high-ness. |
Joke 31: I gambled on a giraffe race the other day. Mine came second. Lost by a neck. It was nowhere near. |
Joke 32: Q: What do you get if you cross a giraffes with a police-man ? A: Long-arm of the Law! |
Joke 33: Q: What do you call a giraffe winning a horse race? A: A longshot. |
Joke 34: Why does local giraffe graduated early from university? A: He was head and shoulders above his class. |
Joke 35: Q: What do you call a short giraffe? A: Stumpy |
Joke 36: Q: Why don’t giraffes like to go to the playground? A: Because the monkeys use them for slides. |
Joke 37: Q: Why do giraffe sing in the rain? A: Because they don’t fit in the shower. |
Joke 38: Q: Why are giraffe children so fat? A: Because they can reach the cookie jar. |
Joke 39: Q: Why are giraffes tongues so long? A: So they can clean their ears. |
Joke 40: Q: Why don’t giraffes make good pets? A: They’re too high maintenance. |
Joke 41: Today I learned that a giraffe’s neck is so strong a human can climb up it. Also, I got banned from my local zoo. |
Joke 42: Q: What’s worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? A: A centipede with athlete’s foot. |
Joke 43: Q; What do you get if cross a turtle with a giraffe and a kangaroo? A: A turtle-neck jumper. |
Joke 44: A giraffe walked in to a bar and the barman said, “Whats with the long face.” |
Joke 45: Have you heard the joke about the giraffe’s neck? It’s a long one. |
Joke 46: I bet giraffes don’t even know what farts smell like. |
Joke 47: A man was walking his pet giraffe down the street when it decided to fall asleep. The owner decided to go inside to get something to drink. A neighbor comes out and angrily yells “You can’t keep that LYING there” and the owner responds “That’s no LION, that’s a giraffe!” |
Joke 48: Q: Why don’t giraffes do drugs? A: Because they’re naturally high! |
Joke 49: Q: Why are a giraffe’s legs so long? A: Otherwise they wouldn’t reach the ground. |
Joke 50: Q: Why do giraffes make bad bosses? A: Because they always cannot see eye to eye with the employees. |