Top 50 Funny Elephant Jokes for Kids
Brighten up your day with the following Top 50 Funny Elephant Jokes for Kids that will make you Laugh.
Joke 1:
Q: What do you get when you cross two fish with two elephants?
A: A pair of swimming trunks.
Joke 2:
Q: Why are elephants always so broke?
A: Because they work for peanuts.
Joke 3:
Q: What’s the difference between an African elephant and an Asian elephant?
A: About 5,000 miles.
Joke 4:
Q: How does an elephant get out of the water?
A: Wet and wrinkled.
Joke 5:
Q: Why are elephants such bad dancers?
A: Because they have 2 left feet.
Joke 6:
Q: What do you call an elephant riding on the school bus?
A: A passenger.
Joke 7:
Q: What did the dog say to the elephant?
A: Woof.
Joke 8:
Q: How do elephants talk to each other long distance?
A: On the elephone.
Joke 9:
Q: What’s weighs 2 tons, has big ears and makes toys for Santa?
A: Elfants
Joke 10:
Q: How can you tell if an elephant is in the refrigerator?
A: The door won’t close.
Joke 11:
Q: What do you call an elephant that won’t share?
A: Elfish.
Joke 12:
Q: What happens when elephants get lightheaded?
A: They ele-faint.
Joke 13:
Q: Why couldn’t the 2 elephants go swimming together?
A: Because they only had 1 pair of trunks.
Joke 14:
Q: How can you tell when an elephant is getting ready to charge?
A: It asks where the power outlet is.
Joke 15:
Q: Why does an elephant wear sneakers?
A: So that he can sneak up on mice!
Joke 16:
Q: What do you call an elephant in a phone booth?
A: Stuck.
Joke 17:
Q: Where do baby elephants come from?
A: Huge storks!!
Joke 18:
Q. What do elephants do at night?
A. Watch elevision.
Joke 19:
Q: What time is it when five elephants are chasing you?
A: Five after one.
Joke 20:
Q: Why are elephants so wrinkled?
A: Because it takes too long to iron them.
Joke 21:
Q: How do you stop an elephant from charging?
A: Take away their credit card
Joke 22:
Q: Why wasn’t the elephant allowed on the bus?
A: It’s trunk wouldn’t fit under the seat.
Joke 23:
Q: Which part of a tree do elephants like the most?
A: The trunk.
Joke 24:
Q: Where do you find elephants?
A: That depends on where you lost them.
Joke 25:
Q: What’s as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing?
A: An elephant’s shadow.
Joke 26:
Q: Why does the elephant bring toilet paper to the party?
A: Because he is a party pooper.
Joke 27:
Q: What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
A: Lost!
Joke 28:
Q: What is the elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?
A: TUSKan Raiders.
Joke 29:
Q: How do you know if an elephant is standing next to you in an elevator?
A: By the smell of peanuts on their breath.
Joke 30:
Q: What do you get when you cross a potato with an elephant?
A: Mashed potatoes!
Joke 31:
Q: Why do elephants never forget?
A: Because nobody ever tells them anything.
Joke 32:
Q: What’s an elephant’s favorite vegetable?
A: Squash.
Joke 33:
Q: What do you call an elephant that flies?
A: A jumbo jet!
Joke 34:
Q: What game do you never want to play with an elephant?
A: Squash!
Joke 35:
Q: What grey, has a wand, huge wings and gives money to elephants?
A: The tusk fairy!
Joke 36:
Q. What did the banana say to the elephant?
A. Nothing – bananas can’t talk!
Joke 37:
Q: What is the biggest type of ant?
A: An eleph-ant.
Joke 38:
Q. Why don’t elephants use computers?
A. Because they’re afraid of the mouse.
Joke 39:
Q: Why did the elphant cross the road?
A: Because the chicken wanted a day off.
Joke 40:
Q: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?
A: An irrelephant.
Joke 41:
Q: What time is it when an elephant stands on your skateboard?
A: Time to get a new skateboard.
Joke 42:
Q: Why aren’t elephants allowed in swimming pools?
A: They can’t keep their trunks up
Joke 43:
Q: What’s big and grey and wears a mask?
A: The elephantom of the opera!
Joke 44:
Q: Why did the elephant lie down in the middle of the road?
A: To stop the chicken from crossing.
Joke 45:
Q: Where to do elephants like to sit when they travel?
A: On the trunk.
Joke 46:
Q: Where does an elephant pack his luggage?
A: In his trunk!
Joke 47:
Q: How do you know when there is an elephant under your bed?
A: When your nose touches the ceiling!
Joke 48:
Q: What do you call two elephants on a bicycle?
A: Optimistic!
Joke 49:
Q: What’s grey, beautiful and wears glass slippers?
A; Cinderelephant!
Joke 50:
Q: What is an elephants favorite rap song?
A: I like big nuts, and I cannot lie.
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