Top 50 Dental Jokes | Funny Dentist Humor
Brighten up your day with the following Top 50 Funny Dental Jokes for Kids and Adults that will make you Laugh.
Life is short.
Smile while you still have teeth.
If dentist make their money off people with bad teeth, why should I trust a toothpaste that out of 10 dentists recommend?
If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist’s office will be full of luminous ideas.
Lying through your teeth does not count as flossing.
Q: What is a dentist’s office?
A: A filling station
Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole?
A: A molar bear
Q: What did the dentist say to the golfer?
A: “You have a hole in one. ”
Q: At what time do most people go to the dentist?
A: At tooth-hurty (2:30).
Q: Anyone know the six most frightening words in the world?
A: “The Dentist will see you now.”
Q: What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
A: He braces himself
Q: Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania?
A: Dracula’s dentist
Q: Why does a dentist seem moody?
A: Because he always looks down in the mouth.
Q: Why does a dentist seem moody?
A: Because he always looks down in the mouth.
Q: Why did the cheerleader go to the dentist?
A: She needed a root canal.
Q: Why did the Tooth Fairy go to a psychiatrist?
A: She no longer believed in herself.
Q: What did the werewolf eat after he’d had his teeth taken out?
A: The dentist
Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?
A: Fill me in when you get back
Dentists, helping you put your money where your mouth is.
Your like my false teeth, I can’t smile without you.
Q: What was the dentist doing in Panama?
A: Looking for the Root Canal!
Q: Why do dentists like potatoes?
A: Because they are so filling.
Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist?
A: Because it had Bluetooth.
Q: Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out?
A: He was already taking out a tooth
Q: Why did the king go to the dentist?
A: He wanted to get his teeth crowned.
Q: Why was the man arrested for looking at sets of dentures in a dentist’s window?
A: Because it was against the law to pick your teeth in public.
Q: Why did the blonde go to the dentist?
A: Someone dented her car.
Q: Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused a Novocain injection during root canal treatment? A: He wanted to transcend dental medication!
Patient: Doctor, I have yellow teeth, what do I do?
Dentist: Wear a brown tie…..
Patient: Doctor, if I give up candy, pizza, popcorn and gum, will my braces come off sooner?
Dentist: Not really. It will just seem longer.
Ignore your teeth and they will go away.
I was feeling a little crooked, but my dentist straightened me out.
You don’t have to brush all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.
A good dentist is a little picky, a great dentist never gets on your nerves.
Dentists brighten up the world, one smile at a time.
Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without laces, asentencewithoutspaces.
An orthodontist gets to the root of the problem.
Stop telling toothpaste jokes, Oral B Mad.
After my root canal I wasn’t liking my dentist, then he made a good impression.
A woman saying “I’m not mad at you” is like a dentist saying “You won’t feel a thing.”
Dentist: When was the last time you flossed?
Patient: Bro, you were there.
Q: What do you call a bear without teeth?
A: A gummy bear.
Dentist: Open up please.
Patient: Sometimes I get sad.
Tooth 1: Want to hear a funny joke?
Tooth 2: Let me brace myself.
*Dentist stab your gums*
Dentist: You are bleeding because you don’t floss.
Q: What does the dentist of the year get?
A: A little plaque
Q: What game did the dentist play when she was a child?
A: Caps and robbers
Q: What do you call a dentist who doesn’t like tea?
A: Denis.
Q: What did the dentist say to the computer?
A: This won’t hurt a byte
Q: Why did the king go to the dentist?
A: To get a new crown!
Q: Why did the deer need braces?
A: He had buck teeth.
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