How much did the Store lose ? – Viral Mathematical Brain Teasers
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This simple mathematical question went viral and is making
rounds on Social Media with thousands of people arguing
on the correct answer.
Question :
A guy walks into a store and takes a $100 bill from the register
without anyone’s knowledge.
He then buys $70 worth of goods using the $100 bill and receives
$30 back in change.
How much money did the Store lose?
[ Try your Best before Scroll down for the answer ]
Answer :
If your answer is $200 or $130 loss, read on below for the correct answer and explanation.
The correct answer is the Store loss $100, or a more technical
answer is the Store loss $30 + buying cost of the $70 goods.
Let’s go through the question and see how the answer is derived.
“A guy walks into a store and takes a $100 bill from the register
without anyone’s knowledge.” <– The Store loss $100
“He then buys $70 worth of goods using the $100 bill and receives
$30 back in change.” <– This is where most people makes the
mistake of adding on to the initial $100 loss. The Store does not
make any loss on this transaction.
Explanation :
The 2nd sentence is a normal transaction where the store does not
make any additional loss, hence the loss is $0. Therefore, when we add
both losses up, it becomes -100 + 0 = -100
The more technical answer is that the Store loss $30 + buying cost
of the $70 goods.
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