Thank you for visiting Gift Our Precious.

We are first time parents of an adorable little boy (Leeroy), born in Singapore, January 2013. We are extremely grateful for this little miracle of ours who is such a lovable and happy boy.

Leeroy brings so much love and joy into our life with his ever smiley and fun loving self. As a pair of fun loving parents of an active and curious boy, the idea of starting was formed when we came across loads of information and resources to assist us with our son’s growth and development journey.

Our hope is to spread love, positivity and share useful, interesting information / resources which can bring joy and entertainment to all our readers.
Some of the topics you can expect to read about here include :
- Positive Quotes
- Fun Brain Teasers, Riddles for developing our Brain Muscles
- Simple Fun Experiments
- Soothing and calming music for reading, relaxing and baby lullaby
- Free Printable school time table and weekly planner
- Parenting tips
- Simple and Easy Origami for Kids (Paper Folding)
- Wisdom (Ancient wisdom meets modern living)

Thank you for supporting and joining us in our journey of leaving small little footprints on earth.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
– Lao Tzu –
Do reach out to us on facebook or using the form below to say “hi”. We love to hear from you. 🙂