The Origami Cat is a simple animal which can be made easily with a piece of origami square paper.
The cat’s eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers can be drawn with a pen or marker for different expression. It’s entertaining and fun for adults and kids to fold along with the step by step guide and video.
Folding Steps
1. Take a Square piece of origami paper.
2. Fold the paper diagonally across in half. It should form into a triangle.
3. Fold the triangle in half and open up.
4. You should be able to see the center line between the triangle.
5. Place the triangle such that 1 corner is at the top while the other 2 corners are on the same height at the bottom.
Fold the top corner of the triangle to about a third down the center line of the triangle.
6. Fold 1 of the bottom corner from the center line up to form 1 cat’s ear.
7. Fold the other bottom corner from the center line up to form the other cat’s ear.
8. Flip over the origami.
9. Use a pen or marker to draw the eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers of the cat.
Collect the whole set of Fantastic 4 Animals with Origami Bear, Origami Dog and Origami Fox !! 😉
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