80% Get This Wrong – Fun Family Riddles
Animals are adorable but things can get confusing when an
animal starts looking at other animal which in turn looks at another
Question :
Dog is looking at Chick
Chick is looking at Fox
Dog is married. Fox is not.
Is a married animal looking at an unmarried animal ?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Enough information
*Dog cannot see Fox directly
[ Try your Best before Scroll down for the answer 🙂 ]
Answer :
If your answer is a) Yes, congrats on being one of 20%
who answered correctly.
So why is the answer Yes ?
Let’s recap the question
“Is a married animal looking at an unmarried animal ?”
Since we do not know whether the Chick is married or unmarried,
we must list out and analyse all possible scenarios. In this question,
there are only 2 possible scenarios.
Scenario 1) Chick is Married.
Dog (Married) looking at Chick (Married) [Does not match the question]
Chick (Married) looking at Fox (Unmarried) [Bingo! This match the question]
Scenario 2) Chick is UnMarried.
Dog (Married) looking at Chick (UnMarried) [Bingo! This match the question]
Chick (UnMarried) looking at Fox (Unmarried) [Does not match the question]
Hence, from the above, it is clear that regardless if Chick is married or
unmarried, the statement “Is a married animal looking at an unmarried animal ?”
will be true.
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